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Circle of Security Classroom Program


Would you like to learn more about how to support young children's emotional regulation within a classroom environment? Would you like to learn more about child psychology, especially when faced with the unknown? If you wish to learn how to help young children organise their feelings and be better able to regulate their emotions within a learning environment then this course is the right one for you. 


The Circle of Security® Classroom™ program is based on decades of early childhood research about how supportive teacher-child relationships can be pivotal in shaping how young children learn to respond to psychological stress in healthy ways for their future in school.


Calm and reliable connection with an early teacher is the foundation for children's engagement in exploration and learning in the classroom.


The COSP-C approach supports both teacher and student wellbeing. The relationship you develop with children in your classroom can become the template for their future relationships with teachers. To be able to engage with learning, children need to feel security in the relationship with their teacher.


Research finds that high quality teacher-child interactions, such as:

• Teacher sensitivity

• Teacher regard for student perspective

• Positive classroom climate

• Student’s comfort level in seeking help, and

• Mutual enjoyment support greater school readiness for young children

support greater school readiness for young children.


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© 2018 Welch Psychology ABN: 86205459832

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